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Prayer Requests


 Urgent needs this week include:


Cindy’s friend Kim for cancer treatment

Ongoing prayers for these friends:

Perry’s MIL Janet Fike for health concerns/testing

Larry Linsley for Mom Ina with a broken hip

Marylyn Caper for cancer diagnosis and treatments

Bobbie Brookes for brother David emotional health needs.

Mark Snedden for upcoming April health concern treatment plan.

 Alice for Kris Rajchel seeking employment

Delores Hawkins in Lowell Health rehab after hip surgery

Don and Norma Lottes for ongoing health concerns.

Donna Haniford continued recovery at Colonial Rehab.

Pastor for daughter Melissa with foster child Aria. Continue prayers.


 Prayers Requests from Susia:

-Friends Jerry S., Regina T and Rhonda for health issues.

Family member Lenae Kuhl

Friends Sharon Floyd and Betty Jo for health concerns

-Mary Williams for blood issues

-Friend Carol Tate

-Friend Bernice with health issues

-For Kim with kidney issues

 -Jeri Dix for heart issues


 Char’s cousin little Naomi for severe cancer health issues

  Laura Kuiper for multiple health concerns.  

    Lietzau friends…Hospice prayers for Sherry and Roy.


      Cancer Concerns:

Sue Krygoske’s daughter Amy Jo battling cancer at Mayo clinic.


Pastor’s cousin--Patty Renn with leukemia diagnosis.

Les Liss (Lowell VFW) for cancer treatments and recovery.

Prayers Requests from Carol Jensen:

 -Carol Grady for cancer issues. Came thru surgery well.

-Carol Hale with Husband Phil for support prayers

 -Ann Thompson for cancer concerns. Surgery recovery


Dave Williams for:

Family member Jamie Morton cancer screening.

Friend Doug Mitch with brain cancer.

Sue McConnell for cancer treatments and job loss

Friend Eddie Robinson health concerns doing better


 Laura for George Bowman with cancer diagnosis.


  General  Prayer Concerns:

Ask for our Lord's blessings: Debbie Diddie in Lowell Health.


Peace of Israel and middle east conditions

Baby Colton (now 5 yr old) for extreme physical needs. 


 Many for UNSPOKEN Requests in our service today 


Recovering at Home  Prayer Concerns:

Donn Minch recovering from broken ankle.

Barb McKay


Our Military Service

 Derek Snedden.



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   Church office is open most weekdays from 10-2 pm



Pastor’s Dad, Jack, had successful cataract surgery




Prayer Request

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