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Image by Zac Durant

Faith Hope Love

February 2025

Happy that you have come our way! Membership  is ongoing at St. John's UCC!  Looking for a church Home? You found us! We have a Children's Ministry during the sermon time each week.

February 1 is a Church Work Day beginning at 8:30 am to remove and store Christmas decorations. All help is welcome.

Pastor's Group will open our  February 2nd Sunday  service at 10 AM with Communion  to follow later. All believers in Christ as Savior are invited to join us for communion.   Our February message series is entitled "Love Letters".  

 Saturday February 8th and  22nd will be our monthly  Breakfast and Blessings  in the church basement fellowship hall from 8:30 to 10 am.  All are welcome!

Wednesday Bible Study continues most Wednesdays thru late May at 1 pm in our church library.  Our Winter/Spring study will encompass the Gospel of John!


February 16 will be our monthly 3rd Sunday Singing of the month!  The congregation gets to pick the songs during the service!  Come be with us and select your favorites!​

February 13 is our Women's Guild Valentine's meeting beginning at 1 pm.  All ladies and their friends are invited.  See Jill Dill with any questions.

 Every Sunday after the service we enjoy Fellowship time in our Hall .  Come and get to know the amazing folks at our church. 

Call the church office with any questions at 663-1608. 

Looking ahead to March 2025-

Pastor's Group and Communion  slated for Sunday March 2nd !   

March 1 is a Church Work Day beginning at 8:30 am . All help is welcome.

Wednesday March 5 is Ash Wednesday as we begin our preparations for the Lenten season. We will have a special service at 7 pm with the sharing of ashes.


March  16 will be our 3rd Sunday Singing for this month.  You get to choose your favorite songs!  Come and enjoy the fun!  Our Gideon Bible Missionary Don Schepel will be with us this day to share updates on this special ministry.

On the horizon....April 13 will be Palm Sunday with Easter Service following on April 20!  Plan to be with us as we follow Jesus to the cross.




We record our sermons weekly. Older sermons are  published to our YouTube channel which can be accessed be clicking the YouTube icon at the top of the page. The following button will take you to our selection of sermons available to watch by streaming through YouTube.

Listed below are  RECENT video links to our December 2024 Advent sermons and services on Facebook. If you need a link to a recent message, simply email Pastor Wendell ( with the date of your service request and he will  send a link to the service that will play in your media player on the computer or even your phone.

Left click on the links below for the service video.

​Link for December 1, 2024 Advent Hope Message series with Mary visited by the angel Gabriel:

Link for December 8, 2024 Advent Peace with Joseph getting the angelic visit

Link for December 15, 2024 Advent Joy Message with the Shephards receiving the announcement of Christ birht:

Link for 

December 22, 2024 Advent Love with the Prophets glorifying God for Jesus:

Link for the JChristmas Eve Candlelight Service  December 24, 2024:

Link for December 29, 2024 end of year service:

February 2025

St. John’s Church family,


We have had a rough start to our New Year 2025 with several members and friends battling illness and health issues.  We look forward to the blessings of February as we celebrate “love” with hearts, valentines and flowers galore.  All good gifts come from God so let’s keep our focus on Him! During each Sunday in February I will be presenting messages from my "Joy of the Journey” series with a goal of building up our hearts and strengthening our walk with God. Plan to make this “series” part of your “to do list” for the month in person or online.  Hard to believe that this series will lead us to begin our annual journey to the cross for Lent on Ash Wednesday March 5th!  Make your plans now to be a part of this special 7 PM evening service. Share with others who and what Jesus means to you. God will bless as we share our hearts!   Jesus came down to us so that one day we can go up to Him!  Let’s make Christ known to our world!


Everyone please stay safe and warm!  Come on Spring! 


Pastor Wendell Thacker


We have established the flexibility of online giving in a one-time or recurring format. Clicking the easytithe GIVE link below will take you to the St John's UCC "Give Now" page. Select either "one-time" or "Recurring" and enter your donation amount. After entering an amount you will be prompted to enter your payment method either by credit card or check debit ACH. Follow the instructions entering your information as requested and "submit" at the page bottom. You will receive an email receipt acknowledging your gift.

For our "texting" members and friends we have established 10 digit code 2192555077 which will direct you to our "GIVE NOW" page. Simply text the word "Give" in a text message to 2192555077. Select either "one-time" or "Recurring" and enter your donation amount. After entering an amount you will be prompted to enter your payment method either by credit card or check debit ACH. Follow the instructions entering your information as requested and "submit" at the page bottom. You will receive an email receipt acknowledging your gift.


Each month our work days typically are the the first and 3rd Saturday of the month.  We meet in the church basement hall beginning at 8:30 am for assignments, fellowship and  instructions.   Our volunteers do may tasks inside the building and on the outside grounds weather permitting.

Our BREAKFAST & BLESSINGS Ministry usually meets  the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of most months.  Food is served from 8:30 to 10 AM on these days. ALL are welcome for this church ministry outreach.  A Free Will offering is appreciated to help defray costs.

Call the church office at 219-663-1608 with any questions.



St. John's United Church of Christ is located at 1288 S. Indiana Ave in Crown Point, IN.  46307

We are compassionate  followers of Jesus Christ doing our best to serve as God leads with the needs of

our members, families and community.  Our heart's desire is to see everyone come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!  We are good people serving a GREAT GOD!  


1288 S Indiana Ave. Crown Point, IN 46307  Tel: 219-663-1608

Thanks for submitting!


© 2021 St. John's United Church of Christ of Crown Point, IN

1288 S. Indiana Avenue

Crown Point, IN 46307


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